Marine Engines & Saildrives
Swapping out your old engine has never been easier. Whether you are repowering with Beta Marine for the first time or repowering with an upgrade, Beta Marine Pacific Northwest makes this a smooth transition by creating custom engine mounts for your engine bed for any vessel.
RePowering or Replacing an old Engine?
Beta Marine engines have been fitted into thousands of yachts, sailboats, fishing & working vessels – tugs to trawlers around the world. Beta Marine Pacific Northwest offers our unique service of designing and manufacturing “Special Engine Mounts”. When replacing your old engine it is so much easier if you knew you new engine would just drop onto your existing engine bearers and line up with your propeller shaft. Well, we can make it that simple for you. We have made hundreds of “Special Feet” over the years and not only do they look better and substantially reduce the time and installation costs.

How Does It Work?
The system works like this: You need a copy of our ‘Special Feet Form’ that we can send to you. You now need a good tape measure and a couple of straight edges so that you can take the necessary measurements from your boat for us to design and manufacture your Special Feet. We just need to accurately establish where the engine bearers are relative to the propeller shaft, and measuring is always much easier with the old engine removed.
Normally the engine bearers and propeller shaft are parallel – but not always. All measurements are taken from the propeller shaft (the datum). As soon as possible – please send us the ‘Special Feet Form’ with all your measurements clearly legible, either by post, fax or email. Please include your name and contact details on the form.
We use the dimensions that you have given us to create a drawing of your special feet, and we will send it to you for checking and signing. When you return the drawing to us that you signed off as correct, we will manufacture the ‘Special Feet’ exactly to the dimensions that are on the drawing.
Beta Marine PNW… More Than Just Engine Sales
We don't want to just sell you an engine, we support the boating community through a comprehensive array of repowers, education and marine diesel engine services designed to enhance our customers’ experience on the water.
Beta Marine PNW is here to recommend the right size propulsion engine and associated materials needed for your repower. If you need assistance with installation, warranty services, repair or service needs, reach out and Contact Us today.
Product Brochures
Small, Powerful, Quiet, Reliable
Beta Marine, marinized Kubotoa engines, are the perfect engines for the boat owner who likes to manage their own routine engine maintenance.
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If you find a problem then Contact Us with the correct measurements and we will revise the drawing until it is correct. Where possible we will fit them to the engine. If they will not fit in the engine shipping skid we will send the feet loose and fit standard feet. All bolts will be provided to fit the special feet to the engine. You will need to drill and tap new holes for the flexible mounts unless you have the same bolt holes as the mount drawings below (please note the engine size).

When measuring dimension ‘F’ it is advisable to keep this lower (rather than higher) as it is easier to fit spacers to increase the height rather than cutting out the engine bearers. We attach details of the flexible mountings that do have a little movement/tolerance to help installation of the engine. It is better to fit the engine feet towards the bottom of the central stud as detailed, our design will enable this.

If your bearers are stepped (e.g. the rear bearers are higher than the front) Then just measure the difference between them and add it the dimension F2. If the bearers are higher at the front please type/write – before the dimension (this is very unusual).
You may print these forms, enter your measurements and send to Beta Marine.


Replacement of ‘Down Angle’ Gearboxes are similar to our standard in-line arrangements but we also need the following dimensions. When filling out the form if the only difference between our standard engine and yours is height or width then just fill out the appropriate box’s leaving the other blank. If your propeller shaft is not parallel to you bearers you will need to provide Beta Marine with more information. Please contact Beta Marine for assistance. Please make a note of any problem areas that you may think Beta Marine should know about (example: head room or sump restrictions).
Beta Marine Pacific Northwest is owned and operated by Sea Green Partners, dba SEA Marine, Port Townsend, WA